Bridge297 Research

Broadband Network Notes

Often, gaining last mile fiber connection to major broadband hubs can be time consuming and quite expensive...

Improving Quality of Life

The National Research Council's -  "Aging in Place Challenge" program will support a sustainable model for long‑term care... 

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U of A Caregiver Research

Research by U of A Professor, Dr.Donna Wilson and her team 

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Bridge297 Articles and links

Check out these articles and links currently being discussed by Bridge297 board members and advisors

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Building Bridge297 

Building Bridge297 one part at a time. This photo shows the construction of a storage shed, helping build Bridge297.

Google Scholar Articles

View Useful Resources straight from Google Scholar

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Home Assessments

View questions that can come up when assessing if your house is ready for aging in place

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On Going Research and Developments

Stand by Power Generation

Battery Storage

Broadband Networks

Advocate Training